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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

RE:Fwd: Pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa JPA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 2011/9/12
Subject: RE: Pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa JPA
To: admin <>

Salam sejahtera tuan,
Mohon e-mel tuan dipanjangkan kepada bagi mengemukakan persoalan tuan. Ini adalah kerana saya tidak lagi menguruskan program ini.

Sekian, terima kasih.

From: admin []
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2011 8:31 PM


Subject: Pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa JPA

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

Merujuk perkara di atas, kami, dari pihak Scholarships 4 STPM mempunyai beberapa persoalan yang ingin dikemukakan kepada pihak Tuan.

1) Adakah pelajar lepasan STPM yang telah diberi tempat di Universiti Tempatan (kursus perubatan) layak untuk memohon biasiswa JPA?

2) Bolehkah pelajar-pelajar STPM memohon biasiswa JPA untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke Universiti di luar negara?

Ucapan terima kasih diucapkan kepada pihak Tuan atas kesudian pihak Tuan untuk memberi perhatian terhadap persoalan-persoalan di atas. Diharap respon daripada pihak Tuan bukan sahaja dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah pembaca Scholarships 4 STPM, malah dapat dijadikan pedoman kepada pemohon-pemohon biasiswa akan datang.

Sekian, terima kasih

Yang ikhlas,
Scholarships 4 STPM

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fwd: Pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa JPA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: admin <>
Date: 2011/9/11
Subject: Pertanyaan mengenai biasiswa JPA

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

Merujuk perkara di atas, kami, dari pihak Scholarships 4 STPM mempunyai beberapa persoalan yang ingin dikemukakan kepada pihak Tuan.

1) Adakah pelajar lepasan STPM yang telah diberi tempat di Universiti Tempatan (kursus perubatan) layak untuk memohon biasiswa JPA?

2) Bolehkah pelajar-pelajar STPM memohon biasiswa JPA untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke Universiti di luar negara?

Ucapan terima kasih diucapkan kepada pihak Tuan atas kesudian pihak Tuan untuk memberi perhatian terhadap persoalan-persoalan di atas. Diharap respon daripada pihak Tuan bukan sahaja dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah pembaca Scholarships 4 STPM, malah dapat dijadikan pedoman kepada pemohon-pemohon biasiswa akan datang.

Sekian, terima kasih

Yang ikhlas,
Scholarships 4 STPM

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Happy "belated" Independence Day and Selamat Hari Raya

Happy Belated Independence Day 
to all Malaysians

Selamat Hari Raya

 Scholarships 4 STPM

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

JPA Scholarship 2011

Apply JPA Scholarship

NB: Permohonan akan dibuka selama 7 hari sehingga 7 Ogos 2011 jam 11:59 pm.

Scholarships 4 STPM
be a fan today

Thursday, July 28, 2011

JPA scholarship application starts in August

According to the email from Mr Shahrezan, from the Human Capital Development Division (Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan), Public Service Department of Malaysia (JPA),he has stated that the application for JPA scholarship 2011 will be happening in the month of August, 2011.

Scholarship will only be awarded to those who applied and matches the criteria set by the department. Interested applicants may visit
here to apply.

Best Regards,
Scholarships 4 STPM

Thanks for sharing the news on facebook and twitter

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: admin <>
Date: 2011/7/27
Subject: Re: RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
To: James Low <jameslow_***>

Hi James,

The decision is up to you. You may choose to wait for the application to open, or to send a mail to MPM. We, Scholarships 4 STPM wishes you all the best, and good luck in all your scholarship applications.

Best Regards,

2011/7/27 James Low <jameslow_***>
Hi scholarships4stpm,

Thank you so much for being the mediator. I guess I should just wait for the application of PIDN Scholarship to open, instead of probing MPM about this. Or should I drop them a mail?

Once again, a million thanks for your help!


Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:10:19 +0800
Subject: Re: FW: RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
CC: jameslow_***

Encik Shahrezan bin Md. Sheriff

Scholarships 4 STPM bagi pihak saudara Low Hong Ping mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak tuan atas kesudian tuan memberi perhatian dan respon terhadap pertanyaan kami. Scholarships4STPM akan menyarankan para pembaca agar sabar menanti iklan permohonan PIDN pada Ogos 2011 nanti.

Kami, dari pihak Scholarships 4 STPM mohon maaf atas segala kesulitan dan kesukaran yang kami timbul.Selamat maju jaya dan terima kasih sekali lagi atas bantuan yang diberi. 

Berkhidmat Untuk Negara

Yang ikhlas,
Scholarships 4 STPM


Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:40 PM
To: jameslow_***
Cc: Program Penajaan Pelajar Terbaik Lepasan STPM 2011
Subject: RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Salam sejahtera saudara.
Terima kasih atas minat saudara terhadap Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM Bagi Tahun 2011.
Untuk makluman saudara, bagi Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang Lepasan STPM Bagi Tahun 2011, calon-calon pelajar cemerlang STPM adalah dikenal pasti oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) berdasarkan senarai pelajar cemerlang (akademik) yang menduduki peperiksaan STPM 2010. Jabatan ini hanya menawarkan Biasiswa daripada senarai yang diperoleh daripada Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM). Mohon saudara menyemak dengan MPM berkaitan perkara ini.
Walau bagaimanapun, Jabatan ini ada menawarkan Biasiswa bagi Program Ijazah Dalam Negara (PIDN) Tahun 2011 kepada calon-calon yang memohon dan memenuhi syarat serta kriteria yang ditetapkan. Adalah dimohon agar saudara menyemak laman sesawang  dari semasa ke semasa bermula bulan Ogos 2011 bagi iklan permohonan penawaran Biasiswa PIDN 2011.
Sekian, terima kasih.


Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan

Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam

b.p. Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam



Tel.    : 03 – 8885 3373

: 03 – 8881 0743

*     :  

From: James Low [jameslow_***]
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:43 PM
To: Program Penajaan Pelajar Terbaik Lepasan STPM 2011
Subject: Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Salam 1Malaysia,

Saya ialah Low Hong Ping (No. KP: 900412-14-****), calon istimewa STPM 2010 yang terbaik dalam kategori spastik. Melalui laman web eSILA, saya dimaklumkan bahawa JPA menawarkan penajaan kepada pelajar cemerlang STPM. Namun, saya tidak menerima sebarang tawaran tajaan/biasiswa daripada JPA.

Saya memperoleh 2A dan 2A- bagi STPM 2010 dan telah menerima tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Undang-undang di Universiti Malaya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap tuan/puan akan membalas emel ini untuk menjelaskan kemusykilan saya dan menawarkan tajaan kepada saya sebagai salah satu pelajar-pelajar cemerlang STPM.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Low Hong Ping

Re: FW: RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Encik Shahrezan bin Md. Sheriff

Scholarships 4 STPM bagi pihak saudara Low Hong Ping mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada pihak tuan atas kesudian tuan memberi perhatian dan respon terhadap pertanyaan kami. Scholarships4STPM akan menyarankan para pembaca agar sabar menanti iklan permohonan PIDN pada Ogos 2011 nanti.

Kami, dari pihak Scholarships 4 STPM mohon maaf atas segala kesulitan dan kesukaran yang kami timbul.Selamat maju jaya dan terima kasih sekali lagi atas bantuan yang diberi. 

Berkhidmat Untuk Negara

Yang ikhlas,
Scholarships 4 STPM


Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 2:40 PM
To: jameslow_***
Cc: Program Penajaan Pelajar Terbaik Lepasan STPM 2011
Subject: RE : Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Salam sejahtera saudara.
Terima kasih atas minat saudara terhadap Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM Bagi Tahun 2011.
Untuk makluman saudara, bagi Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang Lepasan STPM Bagi Tahun 2011, calon-calon pelajar cemerlang STPM adalah dikenal pasti oleh Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) berdasarkan senarai pelajar cemerlang (akademik) yang menduduki peperiksaan STPM 2010. Jabatan ini hanya menawarkan Biasiswa daripada senarai yang diperoleh daripada Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia (MPM). Mohon saudara menyemak dengan MPM berkaitan perkara ini.
Walau bagaimanapun, Jabatan ini ada menawarkan Biasiswa bagi Program Ijazah Dalam Negara (PIDN) Tahun 2011 kepada calon-calon yang memohon dan memenuhi syarat serta kriteria yang ditetapkan. Adalah dimohon agar saudara menyemak laman sesawang  dari semasa ke semasa bermula bulan Ogos 2011 bagi iklan permohonan penawaran Biasiswa PIDN 2011.
Sekian, terima kasih.


Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan

Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam

b.p. Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam



Tel.    : 03 – 8885 3373

: 03 – 8881 0743

*     :  

From: James Low [jameslow_***]
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:43 PM
To: Program Penajaan Pelajar Terbaik Lepasan STPM 2011
Subject: Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Salam 1Malaysia,

Saya ialah Low Hong Ping (No. KP: 900412-14-****), calon istimewa STPM 2010 yang terbaik dalam kategori spastik. Melalui laman web eSILA, saya dimaklumkan bahawa JPA menawarkan penajaan kepada pelajar cemerlang STPM. Namun, saya tidak menerima sebarang tawaran tajaan/biasiswa daripada JPA.

Saya memperoleh 2A dan 2A- bagi STPM 2010 dan telah menerima tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Undang-undang di Universiti Malaya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap tuan/puan akan membalas emel ini untuk menjelaskan kemusykilan saya dan menawarkan tajaan kepada saya sebagai salah satu pelajar-pelajar cemerlang STPM.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Low Hong Ping

Fwd: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Salam Perpaduan dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

Untuk perhatian pihak tuan, pembaca Scholarships4STPM yang bernama Low Hong Ping telah mengadu kepada kami mengenai masalah "Inbox-Full" yang menyukarkan percubaanya untuk menghubungi Encik Shahrezan bin Md Sheriff di bawah bahagian tuan. 

Scholarships4STPM di sini memohon pihak tuan supaya dapat menyelesaikan masalah tersebut secepat mungkin supaya permohonan saudara Low Hong Ping dapat diproses secepat mungkin. Perutusan email antara saudara Low Hong Ping dengan Scholarships4STPM turut disertakan untuk tujuan rujukan.

Segala kerjasama dan perhatian daripada pihak tuan amat dihargai dan didahului dengan ribuan terima kasih

Yang ikhlas,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Low <jameslow_***>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 7:16 PM
Subject: RE: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Hi scholarships4stpm,

Thank you so much for your help. Yes, you can publish this conversation on your blog. Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions on which scholarships are catered for OKU? Previously, I applied for Bank Negara, Khazanah, Sime Darby and Bursa Malaysia, but all failed.

I'll update you if I have any news. Once again, thank you so much!


Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:41:46 +0800
Subject: Re: FW: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
To: jameslow_***

Hi James, 

The scholarships4stpm team has received your email. We will do our best to help you but we cannot guarantee you a scholarship offer by the JPA department.

Our advice for you is to apply for other scholarships out there that suits your needs while waiting for the reply from JPA. The scholarships4stpm team request for your permission to publish this email conversation for the sake of other STPM leavers. Your email will be censored and you may choose not to disclose your identity.

Our temporary plan now is to acknowledge the authorities regarding the inbox-full problem as stated in your previous mails.Our next step might be contacting the person in-charge via telephone. Further steps will be acknowledging your cases to the press and media (with your permission of course)

We will update you on any progress that our team have made on your case and do let us know if you have any news on your status.

Thanks for your support and we wish you all the best in your undertakings.

Best Regards,
Scholarships 4 STPM

2011/7/26 James Low <jameslow_***>
Good day!

I'm Low Hong Ping, a national top student for STPM 2010 in the spastic category. I came across your blog while finding information of JPA Scholarship for STPM leavers. Before I reached your blog, I'd already known this morning that JPA offered the scholarships to "pelajar cemerlang." However, I wasn't one of those recipients. My e-mail to JPA inquiring about it failed to deliver as postmaster notified that their inboxes are full.

I hope that you can help me to contact JPA regarding my matter. As a special student, I feel that I should be offered a scholarship.

Below is my e-mail which had failed to be delivered.

I look forward to your reply soon.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Low Hong Ping

From: jameslow_***
Subject: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:32:09 +0800

Salam 1Malaysia En Shahrezan,

Saya ialah Low Hong Ping (No. KP: 900412-14-****), calon istimewa STPM 2010 yang terbaik dalam kategori spastik.

Melalui laman web eSILA, saya dimaklumkan bahawa JPA telah menawarkan penajaan kepada pelajar cemerlang STPM. Namun, saya tidak menerima sebarang tawaran tajaan/biasiswa daripada JPA.

Saya memperoleh 2A dan 2A- bagi STPM 2010 dan menghadiri Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2010 pada bulan Februari yang lepas.

Untuk makluman tuan, saya telah menerima tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Undang-undang di Universiti Malaya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap tuan akan membalas emel ini untuk menjelaskan kemusykilan saya dan menawarkan tajaan kepada saya sebagai salah satu pelajar-pelajar cemerlang STPM.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Low Hong Ping

JPA Scholarship for STPM 2011

Pengemaskinian Maklumat Progam Penajaan Pelajar Terbaik Lepasan STPM Bagi Tahun 2011 
(Bagi pelajar yang telah ditawarkan sahaja)

Pengemaskinian maklumat tawaran kemasukan ke peringkat Ijazah Pertama ke IPT boleh dibuat pada 21/07/2011 bermula jam 5 petang.

Click here to update your information

Semakan Keputusan Biasiswa JPA STPM 2011

Pengesahan Pendaftaran: Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM Tahun 2011  

Pelajar yang telah ditawarkan di bawah Program Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM Tahun 2011 dikehendaki membuat pengesahan tawaran secara atas talian.

Click here to verify your registration

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Re: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

Hi James,

Were you rejected officially via call / mail by the organisations? Approx. how long have you waited?

You can always scroll through our list of scholarships here


Scholarships 4 STPM

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 7:16 PM, James Low <jameslow_***> wrote:
Hi scholarships4stpm,

Thank you so much for your help. Yes, you can publish this conversation on your blog. Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions on which scholarships are catered for OKU? Previously, I applied for Bank Negara, Khazanah, Sime Darby and Bursa Malaysia, but all failed.

I'll update you if I have any news. Once again, thank you so much!


Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:41:46 +0800
Subject: Re: FW: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
To: jameslow_***

Hi James, 

The scholarships4stpm team has received your email. We will do our best to help you but we cannot guarantee you a scholarship offer by the JPA department.

Our advice for you is to apply for other scholarships out there that suits your needs while waiting for the reply from JPA. The scholarships4stpm team request for your permission to publish this email conversation for the sake of other STPM leavers. Your email will be censored and you may choose not to disclose your identity.

Our temporary plan now is to acknowledge the authorities regarding the inbox-full problem as stated in your previous mails.Our next step might be contacting the person in-charge via telephone. Further steps will be acknowledging your cases to the press and media (with your permission of course)

We will update you on any progress that our team have made on your case and do let us know if you have any news on your status.

Thanks for your support and we wish you all the best in your undertakings.

Best Regards,
Scholarships 4 STPM

2011/7/26 James Low <jameslow_***>
Good day!

I'm Low Hong Ping, a national top student for STPM 2010 in the spastic category. I came across your blog while finding information of JPA Scholarship for STPM leavers. Before I reached your blog, I'd already known this morning that JPA offered the scholarships to "pelajar cemerlang." However, I wasn't one of those recipients. My e-mail to JPA inquiring about it failed to deliver as postmaster notified that their inboxes are full.

I hope that you can help me to contact JPA regarding my matter. As a special student, I feel that I should be offered a scholarship.

Below is my e-mail which had failed to be delivered.

I look forward to your reply soon.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Low Hong Ping

From: jameslow_***
Subject: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:32:09 +0800

Salam 1Malaysia En Shahrezan,

Saya ialah Low Hong Ping (No. KP: 900412-14-5681), calon istimewa STPM 2010 yang terbaik dalam kategori spastik.

Melalui laman web eSILA, saya dimaklumkan bahawa JPA telah menawarkan penajaan kepada pelajar cemerlang STPM. Namun, saya tidak menerima sebarang tawaran tajaan/biasiswa daripada JPA.

Saya memperoleh 2A dan 2A- bagi STPM 2010 dan menghadiri Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2010 pada bulan Februari yang lepas.

Untuk makluman tuan, saya telah menerima tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Undang-undang di Universiti Malaya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap tuan akan membalas emel ini untuk menjelaskan kemusykilan saya dan menawarkan tajaan kepada saya sebagai salah satu pelajar-pelajar cemerlang STPM.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Low Hong Ping

Fwd: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011

On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 7:16 PM, James Low <jameslow_***> wrote:
Hi scholarships4stpm,

Thank you so much for your help. Yes, you can publish this conversation on your blog. Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions on which scholarships are catered for OKU? Previously, I applied for Bank Negara, Khazanah, Sime Darby and Bursa Malaysia, but all failed.

I'll update you if I have any news. Once again, thank you so much!


Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 18:41:46 +0800
Subject: Re: FW: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
To: jameslow_***

Hi James,

The scholarships4stpm team has received your email. We will do our best to help you but we cannot guarantee you a scholarship offer by the JPA department.

Our advice for you is to apply for other scholarships out there that suits your needs while waiting for the reply from JPA. The scholarships4stpm team request for your permission to publish this email conversation for the sake of other STPM leavers. Your email will be censored and you may choose not to disclose your identity.

Our temporary plan now is to acknowledge the authorities regarding the inbox-full problem as stated in your previous mails.Our next step might be contacting the person in-charge via telephone. Further steps will be acknowledging your cases to the press and media (with your permission of course)

We will update you on any progress that our team have made on your case and do let us know if you have any news on your status.

Thanks for your support and we wish you all the best in your undertakings.

Best Regards,
Scholarships 4 STPM

2011/7/26 James Low <jameslow_***>
Good day!

I'm Low Hong Ping, a national top student for STPM 2010 in the spastic category. I came across your blog while finding information of JPA Scholarship for STPM leavers. Before I reached your blog, I'd already known this morning that JPA offered the scholarships to "pelajar cemerlang." However, I wasn't one of those recipients. My e-mail to JPA inquiring about it failed to deliver as postmaster notified that their inboxes are full.

I hope that you can help me to contact JPA regarding my matter. As a special student, I feel that I should be offered a scholarship.

Below is my e-mail which had failed to be delivered.

I look forward to your reply soon.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
Low Hong Ping

From: jameslow_***
Subject: Penajaan Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2011
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 17:32:09 +0800

Salam 1Malaysia En Shahrezan,

Saya ialah Low Hong Ping (No. KP: 900412-14-****), calon istimewa STPM 2010 yang terbaik dalam kategori spastik.

Melalui laman web eSILA, saya dimaklumkan bahawa JPA telah menawarkan penajaan kepada pelajar cemerlang STPM. Namun, saya tidak menerima sebarang tawaran tajaan/biasiswa daripada JPA.

Saya memperoleh 2A dan 2A- bagi STPM 2010 dan menghadiri Majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang STPM 2010 pada bulan Februari yang lepas.

Untuk makluman tuan, saya telah menerima tawaran untuk mengikuti kursus Sarjana Muda Undang-undang di Universiti Malaya.

Oleh itu, saya berharap tuan akan membalas emel ini untuk menjelaskan kemusykilan saya dan menawarkan tajaan kepada saya sebagai salah satu pelajar-pelajar cemerlang STPM.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang benar,
Low Hong Ping

Monday, July 04, 2011


15th of July, 2011
1200 hours
Method 1:

Method 2:
UPU [space]RESULT [space] IC NO. and send to 15888

Method 3:
Call the hotline at 03-8883 5858

Re: FW: Pertanyaan mengenai permohonan Biasiswa JPA untuk lepasan STPM

Encik Shahrezan,

Pihak Scholarships 4 STPM ingin mungucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak tuan atas kesudian pihak tuan memberi respon mengenai pertanyaan yang ditujukan.

Kami, dari pihak Scholarships 4 STPM ingin memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan dan perasaan yang tersinggung. Selamat maju jaya dan terima kasih sekali lagi atas bantuan yang diberi.

Sekian, terima kasih

Scholarships 4 STPM

Salam tuan,
Untuk makluman tuan, program ini adalah merupakan program penajaan bagi calon-calon yang ditawarkan oleh Jabatan ini sahaja. Penajaan bagi program ini tidak diiklankan kepada umum kerana calon-calon telah dikenal pasti oleh Kementerian Pelajaran (KPM) berdasarkan senarai pelajar cemerlang (akademik) yang menduduki peperiksaan STPM 2010.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Bahagian Pembangunan Modal Insan
Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam
b.p. Ketua Pengarah Perkhidmatan Awam

(     : 03 – 8885 3373
: 03 – 8881 0743

Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 2:02 PM
To: lspdn
Subject: Pertanyaan mengenai permohonan Biasiswa JPA untuk lepasan STPM

Salam perpaduan dan salam 1 Malaysia,

Merujuk perkara di atas, kami dari Scholarships 4 STPM ingin meminta panduan daripada pihak tuan/puan mengenai permohonan biasiswa JPA bagi lepasan STPM tahun 2010. Telah diketahui bahawa tawaran biasiswa JPA diumumkan terus kepada penerima melalui telefon, tanpa membuka permohonan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang lain menerusi laman web. Kami dengan ikhlasnya ingin mengetahui sebab tuan/puan mengambil pendekatan ini kerana biasanya permohonan JPA dibuat setelah kemasukan pelajar ke Universiti telah diketahui dan permohonan biasiswa JPA biasanya dijalankan pada semester ke-dua setiap sesi tahun pembelajaran. 

Diharap pihak tuan/puan boleh memberi balasan mengenai pertanyaan di atas supaya pelajar-pelajar yang berminat turut mendapat peluang untuk memohon biasiswa JPA.

Sekian, terima kasih,

"Berkhidmat Untuk Negara"

Yang ikhlas,

Scholarships 4 STPM

Friday, July 01, 2011

Fwd: Pertanyaan mengenai permohonan Biasiswa JPA untuk lepasan STPM

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: admin <>
Date: 2011/7/1
Subject: Pertanyaan mengenai permohonan Biasiswa JPA untuk lepasan STPM

Salam perpaduan dan salam 1 Malaysia,

Merujuk perkara di atas, kami dari Scholarships 4 STPM ingin meminta panduan daripada pihak tuan/puan mengenai permohonan biasiswa JPA bagi lepasan STPM tahun 2010. Telah diketahui bahawa tawaran biasiswa JPA diumumkan terus kepada penerima melalui telefon, tanpa membuka permohonan kepada pelajar-pelajar yang lain menerusi laman web. Kami dengan ikhlasnya ingin mengetahui sebab tuan/puan mengambil pendekatan ini kerana biasanya permohonan JPA dibuat setelah kemasukan pelajar ke Universiti telah diketahui dan permohonan biasiswa JPA biasanya dijalankan pada semester ke-dua setiap sesi tahun pembelajaran. 

Diharap pihak tuan/puan boleh memberi balasan mengenai pertanyaan di atas supaya pelajar-pelajar yang berminat turut mendapat peluang untuk memohon biasiswa JPA.

Sekian, terima kasih,

"Berkhidmat Untuk Negara"

Yang ikhlas,

Scholarships 4 STPM

Thursday, June 30, 2011

JPA Scholarship for STPM

Scholars for the JPA scholarship are informed starting yesterday via phone by the officers in the Public Service Department. The selection criteria remains unknown but the reason behind this secretive move was believed to avoid chaos and over publicity like the previous JPA scholarship for SPM leavers.

It is hoped that the department still practices open application for those who are interested to apply. However, the possibility of the previous tradition to be continued remains uncertain. 

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We, the team from scholarships 4 stpm congratulates all the JPA scholars. All the best in your future undertakings, and do continue supporting our beloved blog.

Scholarships 4 STPM team

Thursday, June 23, 2011

JPA Scholarship 2012

PETALING JAYA: A total review of the Public Service Department (PSD) scholarship policy will be conducted next year.
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the review would include whether to “reserve” scholarship offers for top scorers at university-entry level and providing small bursaries for SPM-level students for them to undertake pre-university courses such as STPM, matriculation or A-levels.
“We will work out a new policy next year,” he said on Thursday during the one FM Morning Kaki radio show.
His son, Nor Ashman also appeared on the show.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

HSBC Scholarship Awards 2009 [Updated 2011]


1) Malaysian students who will be pursuing full-time first-degree studies in
2009, in a recognised local public or private university or college
(inclusive of local twinning programmes).

2) Below 25 years of age

3) SPM results : Minimum 5 distinctions 7 distinctions
STPM results : Minimum 2As and a pass in the General Paper
Diploma /
Matriculation / : Minimum CGPA 3.0  CGPA 3.5

* This scholarship award is not open to children of employees of HSBC
Bank Malaysia Berhad, HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad, HSBC
Amanah Takaful (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. and HSBC (Malaysia) Trustee


1. Local private university or college – Up to RM8,000 RM10,000 per annum
(Up to RM32,000 for 4 years) (Up to RM40,000 for 4 years)

2. Local public university or college – Up to RM6,000 RM 8,000 per annum
(Up to RM24,000 for 4 years) (Up to RM32,000 for 4 years)

3. Scholarship duration Up to 4 years


1. Full-time degree studies (up to 4 years programme)

2. Only students who are pursuing their first degree

3. Must have gained admission into a recognised local public or private
university or college

4. For twinning programmes, the full duration of the programme must
be done locally

5. No restriction on field of studies

6. No bonding required

7. Combined monthly household income is RM2,500 and below

8. Education loan is permissible if the scholarship amount is not
sufficient to cover tuition fees

9. Successful applicants must be able to maintain a CGPA of 3.00 3.30 or
equivalent throughout the duration of his/her studies

dateline : 8th of July, 2011

HSBC Scholarship Details 2011

HSBC Scholarship Form 2011

Monday, June 06, 2011

Tanjong Scholarship Awards 2011

Tanjong Scholarship Awards

The Tanjong Scholarship Awards (TSA) are open to financially needy and academically deserving Malaysian students to pursue full-time degree programmes in any discipline at public universities in Malaysia.
Funded by Pan Malaysian Pools Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tanjong, the TSA 2011 are open to Malaysian citizens who have obtained 4 principals with a minimum of 3As in their STPM 2010 examination, or completed Matriculation Programme for the 2010/2011 session with a minimum CGPA of 3.5. Applicants who are active in sports and/or co-curricular activities would have an added advantage.
The value of each award is between RM8,000 and RM9,000 per academic year for the minimum period required to complete the course of study.
There is no bond attached to the Scholarship. However, as part of the Group's efforts to develop its human capital, scholars will be given preference in respect of employment opportunities within the Group upon their graduation.

Tanjong scholars are also provided with personal development training in the areas of leadership, communication, teamwork and creativity as well as working attachments in various departments within the Group during their study breaks in the first year.
Application for the TSA 2011 is now open. Details of the scholarship awards are available from the advertisement published in major newspapers in Malaysia between 19 May and 22 May 2011.

Closing date for submission of application form is Friday, 10 June 2011. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interview.

Application Form       Scholarship Details         Da Ma Cai



The intake for Malaysian Public University (STPM qualification or equivalent) for the 2011/2012 session is predicted to happen at a date later then last year, 2010, which is on 18th of June, 2010.

Older blog posts on Malaysian Public University Intake


The reason for the delay is because Malaysian Public Universities' semester shall start at an unusual further date, which is on the 11th of September, 2011.

According to reliable sources from the Ministry of Higher Education, it is believed that the motive behind the late semester opening is to align with other universities around the globe, hoping to attract more international students to Malaysia thus making Malaysia the next education hub.



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Wednesday, June 01, 2011

IGB Scholarship Awards 2011

IGB Scholarship Awards 2011
In collaboration with
Dato' Tan Chin Nam Foundation 

The Scholarship is open to all Malaysians who are granted a place in our Local Public Universities and it's catered especially for students in the lower income families. Below are some information pertaining to the Scholarship 2011 Program:-
Field of Studies

Award Package
Electrical, Mechanical, Civil, Architecture, Building Science, Quantity Surveying
Maximum Scholarship value of RM40,000.00 to cover full academic fees, books, and living expenses for the duration of the course.
Paid Training Attachment
Finance & Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, Economic
Hotel Management / Hospitality, Real Estate Management, Human Resource, Marketing, Mass Communication, Retail Management, Public Relations


• Good STPM results or completed Diploma level (Minimum CGPA 3.00)
• Has a good command of English Language both written and spoken
• A record of active participation in extra curricular activities
• Not bonded or holding any other scholarship or receiving financial assistance from any organization
• Must have a confirmed placement from Local Malaysian Public Universities (to be submitted later)
• This scholarship program is catered exclusively for the lower income families
To view Frequently Asked Questions, Click Here.

To download the Official Application Form
-> Application Form (PDF)
Please complete the official application form and send to:
Scholarship Award Commitee
Level 32, The Gardens South Tower,
Mid Valley City,
Lingkaran Syed Putra,
59200, Kuala Lumpur.
CLOSING DATE : 30th June 2011
Only shortlisted applicants will be notified

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yayasan Bursa Malaysia Scholarship


Saturday, May 14, 2011

UEM Scholarship Programme

The UEM Scholarship Programme

The UEM Scholarship Programme is a yearly programme in supporting the national objectives of creating elite scholars and serving as a talent supply chain in developing future leaders for the country.

The programme offers opportunities specifically for deserving outstanding and high-achieving Malaysians to pursue Pre-university studies at our premier A-Level college, Kolej Yayasan UEM and Undergraduate studies at selected leading universities overseas.

In nurturing our scholars, leadership training & development activities and job attachments within the UEM Group of Companies are provided throughout the programme and within the bonded period.

UEM Scholarships (Overseas)

• You will undergo a pre-university programme at Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM) at Lembah Beringin, after which you will proceed to study at a reputable university overseas, notably UK and Australia.

UEM Scholarship (Local)

• You will study at a reputable local university.

General Terms and Conditions

Field of Study

The scholarships are available for any of the disciplines below:

• Business (Finance / Business Management / Economic / Accounting)

• Built Environment (Quantity Surveying / Town Planning / Land Surveying / Building Service / Building Management)

• Engineering (Civil / Mechanical / Electrical)

*All courses are subject to trustees’ approval in the year of offering


For Overseas Study

• Form Five (5) students in 2010

• Excellent academic track record in Form 4 & 5, with no less than 7 A+/A in relevant subjects in the SPM examinations.

For Local Study

• STPM students in 2010 (result announce recently) and current matriculation students in their final semester (result in May, for university admission in September

• Outstanding Academic achievement in STPM/Matriculation with minimum CGPA of 3.50

All applicant must be a Malaysian citizen. Proficient in English, hardworking, possess positive personality traits and have an outstanding extra-curricular record will be kredit to your application.

The scholarship covers academic expenses including tuition and exam fees, air-fares and insurance, allowances for books, computer and subsistence.

Terms and Conditions

• The applicant must have a good command of written and spoken English.

• The applicant must not be bonded to other institutions or organizations.

• The successful applicant shall not accept any other scholarships or forms of financial aid from other sources whatsoever while his/her agreement with UEM Group is still in force.

• The successful applicants subject to (i) the terms and conditions stated in the scholarship and bond agreement which the successful applicant(s) and his/her guarantors are required to enter with UEM Group; and (ii) pass a medical examination at any one of UEM's panel clinics/hospitals.

• Each applicant is responsible for all cost incurred in the course of applying for the UEM Group Scholarships.

• UEM Group shall not be responsible or liable for any problem, loss or damage of whatsoever nature suffered by the applicant(s) due to any delay and/or failure in submitting his/her application online as a result of any network, communication or system error, interruption and/or failure experienced by the applicant’s internet service provider and/or by UEM Group.

• All decisions of UEM Group in any matter in relations to the UEM Group Scholarships shall be final and no discussion or correspondence will be entertained.

• The applicants must complete all details requested by UEM Group as stated on UEM’s website and submit the same online on the respective closing dates as detailed on the website. Only applications submitted online shall be accepted.

• Only short-listed applicants will be notified by telephone call for an interview.

• The short-listed applicants must bring his/her original certificates during the interview.


Q: Who can apply for the UEM Group Scholarship?

A: The UEM Group Scholarship (Overseas) is open to all Malaysian to pursue a full time undergraduate programme. The Scholarship is eligible to Form 5 students in 2010 who obtained no less than 7A+/A in relevant subjects in the SPM examination.

A: The UEM Group Scholarship (Local) is open for STPM students in 2010 (result announce recently) and current matriculation students in their final semester (result in May. for university admission in September) with outstanding academic achievement in STPM/Matriculation with minimum CGPA of 3.50

Q: What does the scholarship cover?

A: The Scholarship covers full academic fees, subsistence, book allowances, equipment allowance (for non-business students), notebook and for tertiary studies overseas, one return air ticket.

Q: What are the criteria students must have to get this scholarship?

A: The students must,

• Have excellent academic track record in SPM (7A+/A and above) and Form 4 or outstanding Academic achievement in their pre-university qualification (STPM/Matriculation) with minimum CGPA of 3.50

• Have an outstanding extra-curricular record,

• Be proficient in English, hardworking, possess positive personality traits.

Final selection will also be based on performance during the interview.

Q: Do you accept manual application?

A: No. We will consider online application only. Please refrain from submitting any form or hardcopy application, as it will not be entertained.

Q: What do I need to apply for the UEM Group Scholarship? How do I apply for the Scholarship?

A: Click here to apply online

Q: Am I allowed to switch my area of study?

A: No, unless with written approval from the Board of Trustees.

Q: If I were awarded the Scholarship, can I accept additional financial assistance from other organisations?

A: No. You must not be bonded or sponsored by any other organizations. However, financial or other assistance received from Welfare Department does not fall under this prohibition.

Q: Is there any bond? For how long?

A: Yes. A scholar will need to serve a 5 years bond for overseas scholarship, 3 years for local university scholarship.

Q: I need to clarify about the Scholarship, who can I call?

A: Enquires can be directed to or contact +603 2727 6850 / 6851/ 6847.

Applicable for Overseas applicant only

Q: How do I know that UEM has received my application?

A: After you click the ‘Submit’ button, you will receive an Application ID to confirm the submission. Please remember the application ID for your reference.

Q: What other documents must I submit with my application? Do I need to submit my transcripts, certifications, and application form by mail?

A: No. You are not required to submit any documents. The supporting documents are only needed during the interview session.

Q: I have just submitted my application online. Can I edit/review the application again?

A: Yes, you can edit/review your application by clicking at ‘Review’ button. Please remember your Application ID to go through this process.

Q: I received an error message during/after submit my application. What should I do?

A: The causes could be due to:

• Slow or intermittent internet connection

• Peak usage hour

The following actions need to be taken:

• Copy and paste the error message text and codes and send it to or

• Save the screen capture of the error message and send it to the above email.

Q: When can I check my application status?

A: You may check your application status two weeks after the closing dates by clicking at 'Review' button.

Click here to apply online
